Comprehensive list of LINQ methods


7 min read


Where Filters a sequence of values based on a predicate.

var result = collection.Where(item => item.Condition);
// Example
var result = people.Where(p => p.Age > 18);

OfType Filters the elements of an IEnumerable based on a specified type.

var result = collection.OfType<DesiredType>();
// Example
var result = mixedList.OfType<int>();

Take Returns a specified number of contiguous elements from the start of a sequence.

var result = collection.Take(count);
// Example
var result = numbers.Take(3);

Skip Bypasses a specified number of elements in a sequence and then returns the remaining elements.

var result = collection.Skip(count);
// Example
var result = numbers.Skip(3);

TakeWhile Returns elements from a sequence as long as a specified condition is true.

var result = collection.TakeWhile(item => item.Condition);
// Example
var result = numbers.TakeWhile(n => n < 5);

SkipWhile Bypasses elements in a sequence as long as a specified condition is true and then returns the remaining elements.

var result = collection.SkipWhile(item => item.Condition);
// Example
var result = numbers.SkipWhile(n => n < 5);


Select Projects each element of a sequence into a new form.

var result = collection.Select(item => new { item.Property });
// Example
var result = people.Select(p => new { p.Name, p.Age });

SelectMany Projects each element of a sequence to an IEnumerable and flattens the resulting sequences into one sequence.

var result = collection.SelectMany(item => item.CollectionProperty);
// Example
var result = companies.SelectMany(c => c.Employees);


OrderBy Sorts the elements of a sequence in ascending order.

var result = collection.OrderBy(item => item.Property);
// Example
var result = people.OrderBy(p => p.Name);

OrderByDescending Sorts the elements of a sequence in descending order.

var result = collection.OrderByDescending(item => item.Property);
// Example
var result = people.OrderByDescending(p => p.Name);

ThenBy Performs a subsequent ordering of the elements in a sequence in ascending order.

var result = collection.OrderBy(item => item.Property).ThenBy(item => item.SecondProperty);
// Example
var result = people.OrderBy(p => p.Name).ThenBy(p => p.Age);

ThenByDescending Performs a subsequent ordering of the elements in a sequence in descending order.

var result = collection.OrderBy(item => item.Property).ThenByDescending(item => item.SecondProperty);
// Example
var result = people.OrderBy(p => p.Name).ThenByDescending(p => p.Age);


GroupBy Groups the elements of a sequence according to a specified key selector function.

var result = collection.GroupBy(item => item.Key);
// Example
var result = people.GroupBy(p => p.City);


Join Correlates the elements of two sequences based on matching keys.

var result = collectionA.Join(collectionB, a => a.Key, b => b.Key, (a, b) => new { a.Property, b.Property });
// Example
var result = customers.Join(orders, c => c.Id, o => o.CustomerId, (c, o) => new { c.Name, o.OrderDate });

GroupJoin Correlates the elements of two sequences based on matching keys and groups the results.

var result = collectionA.GroupJoin(collectionB, a => a.Key, b => b.Key, (a, bGroup) => new { a.Property, bGroup });
// Example
var result = customers.GroupJoin(orders, c => c.Id, o => o.CustomerId, (c, os) => new { c.Name, Orders = os });

Set Operations

Distinct Returns distinct elements from a sequence.

var result = collection.Distinct();
// Example
var result = numbers.Distinct();

Union Produces the set union of two sequences.

var result = collectionA.Union(collectionB);
// Example
var result = numbersA.Union(numbersB);

Intersect Produces the set intersection of two sequences.

var result = collectionA.Intersect(collectionB);
// Example
var result = numbersA.Intersect(numbersB);

Except Produces the set difference of two sequences.

var result = collectionA.Except(collectionB);
// Example
var result = numbersA.Except(numbersB);


Count Counts the elements in a sequence.

var result = collection.Count();
// Example
var result = people.Count();

LongCount Counts the elements in a sequence, using Int64.

var result = collection.LongCount();
// Example
var result = people.LongCount();

Sum Computes the sum of the sequence of numeric values.

var result = collection.Sum(item => item.NumericProperty);
// Example
var result = numbers.Sum();

Min Finds the minimum value in a sequence.

var result = collection.Min(item => item.NumericProperty);
// Example
var result = numbers.Min();

Max Finds the maximum value in a sequence.

var result = collection.Max(item => item.NumericProperty);
// Example
var result = numbers.Max();

Average Computes the average of the sequence of numeric values.

var result = collection.Average(item => item.NumericProperty);
// Example
var result = numbers.Average();

Aggregate Applies an accumulator function over a sequence.

var result = collection.Aggregate((acc, item) => acc + item);
// Example
var result = numbers.Aggregate((acc, n) => acc + n);

Element Operations

First Returns the first element of a sequence.

var result = collection.First();
// Example
var result = people.First();

FirstOrDefault Returns the first element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found.

var result = collection.FirstOrDefault();
// Example
var result = people.FirstOrDefault();

Last Returns the last element of a sequence.

var result = collection.Last();
// Example
var result = people.Last();

LastOrDefault Returns the last element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found.

var result = collection.LastOrDefault();
// Example
var result = people.LastOrDefault();

Single Returns the only element of a sequence, and throws an exception if there is not exactly one element in the sequence.

var result = collection.Single();
// Example
var result = people.Single(p => p.Id == 1);

SingleOrDefault Returns the only element of a sequence, or a default value if the sequence is empty; this method throws an exception if there is more than one element in the sequence.

var result = collection.SingleOrDefault();
// Example
var result = people.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == 1);

ElementAt Returns the element at a specified index in a sequence.

var result = collection.ElementAt(index);
// Example
var result = numbers.ElementAt(2);

ElementAtOrDefault Returns the element at a specified index in a sequence, or a default value if the index is out of range.

var result = collection.ElementAtOrDefault(index);
// Example
var result = numbers.ElementAtOrDefault(10);


Any Determines whether any element of a sequence satisfies a condition.

var result = collection.Any(item => item.Condition);
// Example
var result = people.Any(p => p.Age > 18);

All Determines whether all elements of a sequence satisfy a condition.

var result = collection.All(item => item.Condition);
// Example
var result = people.All(p => p.Age > 18);

Contains Determines whether a sequence contains a specified element.

var result = collection.Contains(item);
// Example
var result = numbers.Contains(5);

SequenceEqual Determines whether two sequences are equal by comparing their elements by using a specified IEqualityComparer.

var result = collectionA.SequenceEqual(collectionB);
// Example
var result = numbersA.SequenceEqual(numbersB);


ToList Creates a List from an IEnumerable.

var result = collection.ToList();
// Example
var result = people.ToList();

ToArray Creates an array from an IEnumerable.

var result = collection.ToArray();
// Example
var result = people.ToArray();

ToDictionary Creates a Dictionary from an IEnumerable according to a specified key selector function.

var result = collection.ToDictionary(item => item.Key);
// Example
var result = people.ToDictionary(p => p.Id);

AsEnumerable Returns the input typed as IEnumerable.

var result = collection.AsEnumerable();
// Example
var result = people.AsEnumerable();

AsQueryable Converts an IEnumerable to an IQueryable.

var result = collection.AsQueryable();
// Example
var result = people.AsQueryable();

Cast Casts the elements of an IEnumerable to the specified type.

var result = collection.Cast<DesiredType>();
// Example
var result = mixedList.Cast<int>();


Concat Concatenates two sequences.

var result = collectionA.Concat(collectionB);
// Example
var result = numbersA.Concat(numbersB);


DefaultIfEmpty Returns the elements of the specified sequence or the specified value in a singleton collection if the sequence is empty.

var result = collection.DefaultIfEmpty();
var resultWithDefault = collection.DefaultIfEmpty(defaultValue);
// Example
var result = emptyNumbers.DefaultIfEmpty();
var resultWithDefault = emptyNumbers.DefaultIfEmpty(0);

Range Generates a sequence of integral numbers within a specified range.

var result = Enumerable.Range(start, count);
// Example
var result = Enumerable.Range(1, 10);

Repeat Generates a sequence that contains one repeated value.

var result = Enumerable.Repeat(value, count);
// Example
var result = Enumerable.Repeat("Hello", 5);

Appending and Prepending

  • Append: Appends an element to the end of the sequence.

      var collection = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
      var newItem = 5;
      var result = collection.Append(newItem);
      // Result: { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
  • Prepend: Prepends an element to the start of the sequence.

      var collection = new List<int> { 2, 3, 4, 5 };
      var newItem = 1;
      var result = collection.Prepend(newItem);
      // Result: { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }

Additional Methods

Zip Applies a specified function to the corresponding elements of two sequences, producing a sequence of the results.

var result = collectionA.Zip(collectionB, (a, b) => a.Property + b.Property);
// Example
var result = numbersA.Zip(numbersB, (a, b) => a + b);